bonjour est ce que vous pouvais m'aidez pour l'exercice 1,2 et 3 sil vous plais

ride rode ridden
grow grew grown
write wrote written
be was/were been
drive drove driven
speak spoke spoken
do did done
have had had
see saw seen
take took taken
1 ==> d
2==> a
3 ==> e
4==> b
5== > c
1- Have you seen the new Twilight film ?
2- Hector has just had his injection.
3- I haven't brushed the dog yet.
4- My father has never worn jeans.
5- Kate and Sarah haven't chosen their clothes for the school trip yet.
6- Has your brother ever eaten Chinese food ?
7- They have never been to Japan.
8- Mum isn't ready. She hasn't packed her things yet.
present perfect
have (au présent => has/ have) + participe passé du verbe
PLIZZZZZZ next time poste ta leçon à l'endroit !!!! Quand on zoome, on peut plus la tourner... C'est soit la loupe, soit le torticolis !!!!!!
bonne journée ☺☺☺