Bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide pour un devoir en anglais

On the third day of the month of June, I was with my best friend cathia and we went on a forest, cause we wanted to do camping. We packed all the things we needed like our flashlight, our tents etc.
We started to go in the forest, it was pretty cool and we just walked and hoped we're going to pass a good evening and obviously a good night.
At 8pm, we found an amazing place to unpack our stuff and we started to built our tents. When all was finished, I started to hear noises and I told to her that we needed to go check it. She said that she couldn't and she was creating the fire. I accepted and went alone. Once I was alone ine the forest, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I turned myself and saw a terrible werewolf, with wings, he was tall and it seems he were hungry. I screamed with all my might and started running. I looked behind me but nothing were here, I walked pretty much and made sure to not meet the werewolf again. Finally i found the camp and I started to cry because of what happened and I fall asleep. When I waked up, Cathia was looking at me with hopeless eyes, I started opening my eyes and I saw that she were hugging me. When I was able to talk I tell her all I saw and she started to panic. We packed our stuff quickly and went back at our home. We success to come back and the same night, Cathia slept with me and we forget about this and never remind this story.