Réponse :
Bonsoir, on peut imaginer cela :
Tu es dans une organisation pour l'environnement appelée Conversation International (existe vraiment) et tu en es le vice-président. Ton association a déjà :
-Conservé 32.5M d'hectares de terrains
-Sécurisé 920M de tonnes métriques
-Protégé 13 millions de m² d'océan dans 20 pays différents
Now, in english
A) The organization I chosed is Conservation International, the objective of it is to protect the environment, like stabilizing out climate by protection and restoring nature and doubling ocean protection
B) I am the vice president of this organization and my role is to check if everything goes well and also to find new people to help us in our goal.
C) We, Conservation International already :
-Conserved 32.5M (thirty two dot five millions) hectares of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems
-Secured 920M (nine hundred and twenty millions) metric tons of irrecoverable carbon
-Protected 13 (thirty) million square miles of ocean across 20 (twenty) countries
Have a great night buddy / Bonne nuit