Bonjour pouvez-vous m aider a mon exercice sur le superlatif en anglais merci d avance

Réponse :
1. China is the most populated country in the world.
2. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
3.Kevin is the smallest boy in the school.
4. Titanic is the best film I have ever seen.
5. A computer is the most expensive I have bought so far.
6. The Cliffs of Mothers are the most impressive spot I have visited so far.
7. Jordan is the happiest of my friends!
8. This match is the worst football match I have ever seen.
9. Mr Crow is the cleverest philosophy teacher I have ever known.
10. I'm the funniest boy/girl in the world!
Explications :
adjectifs irréguliers : good => the best
bad ==> the worst
adjectifs de 1 ou 2 syllabes ( courts ) : the + adjectif)est
adjectifs de 2 syllabes qui finissent par "y" : on change le "y" en "i"-est
adjectifs de 2 syllabes qui finissent par "er", "ow" "le"
adjectifs longs : adjectifs de 2 syllabes ( qui ne finissent pas par er, -y, -ow ou -le.) ou plus : ===> the most + adjectif