Bonjour, voici un texte simple qui pourrait t'aider pour ton devoir.
Réponse :
His name is Jonh, he has fifteen years old and since a week now, Jonh is like every teens : He is crazy about this new serie called *ajoute le nom ici* ! Jonh normally doesn't really like watching Netlix like people of his age, but this time during the christmas holidays, this serie changed his whole life, because now he takes all of his days watching to it. The serie is about some murders compilation, which is a kind of police drama. It's uncommon to see a kid watching these kind of series and movies, but like I said before, Jonh is now addict to it. The problem is that Jonh passes all his time infront of a computer, and his parents don't agree with that, obviously. But Jonh feels like... If he stopped watching the series for one day, he would be lost and he would get bored easily... So their parents and himself made a deal : If Jonh stayed atelast less than 2 hours with his computer and the serie so, their parents would agree for him to continue watching every days, without punishing him. So instead of literally loosing the control of himself with this unfinishable serie, Jonh is now learning new things and he stills enjoying his life without Netlix and *ajoute le nom ici* (the serie).
Explications :
Jonh est donc le perso principal qui tombe addicte devant une serie Netlix et a besoin de l'aide de ses parents pour sortir de l'addiction et découvrir de nouvelles choses.
(PS : Le nom de la platforme de streaming à une lettre en moins pour que je puisse publier ton devoir, sinon ça me met que je plagie.)
J'espère t'avoir bien aidé, j'ai fait ce texte moi même et ça m'a pris un peu de temps. N'hésite pas à me faire un retour si besoin :)