bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp pour cette exercice de l'anglais

Réponse :
1. John has one sister and one brother.
2. Diana is John’s mother.
3. Edward is the father of Kate, John and Fred.
4. Maud is John’s aunt. ( aunt : tante )
5. Maud is Harold’s wife.
6. Maud has two children.
7. The names of Maud’s children are July and Jimmy.
8. July and Jimmy are siblings. (siblings : frères et soeurs )
9. Ned is their grandfather. Dot is their grandmother.
10. Dot and Ned have two children/ daughters. ( children : enfants / daughters : filles )
11. Their names are Diana and Maud
12. Edward is the brother-in-law of Maud. ( brother-in-law : beau frère )
13. Edward is married to Diana.
14. Diana has one sister.
15. Walter is the father-in- law of Diana. ( father-in-law : beau père )
16. Edith is the mother of Wendy.
17. Wendy is the aunt of Kate, John and Fred. ( aunt : tante )
18. Kate, John and Fred are cousins of July and Jimmy
19. July is the niece of Diana. ( niece : nièce )
20. Fred is the nephew of Maud. ( nephew : neveu )
21. Edward is the uncle of July and Jimmy. ( uncle : oncle )
22. July, Jimmy, Kate John and Fred are grandchildren of Ned and Dot.
23. John and Fred are the grandsons of Walter and Edith.
24. Wendy is the daughter of Walter and Edith. ( daughter : fille )
25. Wendy is the sister-in- law of Diana. ( sister-in-law : belle soeur )