Sagot :
Réponse :
Explications :
Bonjour , voici ce que j en pense...
1) entourer :
- en vert "airdrie"
- en rouge "9october 2014"
- en noir "positive post it held to encourage airdrie teen s anti bulling campaign"
a)wrong cuz she s uplifihting so it means taht it s her who do the cyberbulling, so she was penalized,according to this article.
b)right, no she didn't say anything, from what we know
c) right, we also know that the cbc news encourages her, so that means that she wants to fight bullies
3)usefull ;clever ; caution ; positive... apres jsp dsl...
4. jsp ca doit y etre sur internet
DESOLE si c nul, je ne sais dans quelle classe tj es mais je ne suis qu en 4eme et j imagine que c un exo de lycee, c juste car je suis une surdouée en langues que j ai repondue