Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez pour les exercices 1,2,3 en anglais s’il vous plaît je n’y arrive pas

exo 1: j'ai besoin du doc (dsl)
exo 2: si tu as choisi la 1er image : I chose this image because my teachers said that I was good at acting and I practiced a lot
2eme image:
i chose this one because I like drawing and a lot of people tell me that it would suit me
3eme image:
i chose this one because i think im good at dancing and i pactice a lot at home
4eme image:
chose this one because i love skating in the Park or at my house and il doing pretty good
5eme image:i chose this one because i love climbing because i found this really fun so i pactice when i have the Time.
students buy yearbook because they want to have a memory of their year, for example: their teachers, the places that they liked to go, eat, spend their time,
si tu comprends pas un mot tu peux traduire et j'ai juste mis ce que je pensais après tu peux le modifier en fonction de tes envie
j'espère que j'ai pu t'aider