Conjugez les phrases aux 3 formes
1) He (tidy) his room
2) She (lose) her passport
3) We (do) homework.
4) You (forget) your umbrella.
5) The dog (not go ) to the vet
6) (break) they the CD-player ?
-) They (go) to Paris . Now they can tell about their stay over there.
Pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Sagot :



Présent perfect

Have au présent (have/ has) + participe passé du verbe

Temps utilisé pour une action juste passée, ou passée mais qui continue dans le présent...

Avec les adverbes "not...yet", "already", "ever", never", "just"....


Tu demandes aux 3 formes... Je suppose que c'est affirmative, interrogative et négative...

Mais certaines phrases sont demandées ou à la forme affirmative ou interrogative ou négative.. je te les mets avec en premier la forme demandée....

1- He has tidied his room.

Has he tidied his room ?

He hasn't tidied his room.

2- She has lost her passport.

Has she lost her passport ?

She hasn't lost her passport.

3- We have done homework.

Have we done....?

We haven't done....

4- You have forgotten your umbrella.

Have you forgotten your umbrella ?

You haven't forgotten your umbrella.

5- The dog hasn't gone to the vet yet.

Has the dog gone to the vet yet ?

Avec "yet" la phrase ne peut être affirmative.

6- Have they broken the CD- player?

They haven't broken the CD-player.

They have broken the CD-player

7- They have gone to Paris. Now they can tell about their stay over there.

La phrase qui suit implique que le début est bien affirmatif. Au cas où tu veuilles savoir les tournures interrogatives et négatives >

Have they gone to Paris ?

They haven't gone to Paris.


Bonne journée