Hi !
1a) True : There's a lot of children there, there is no places to sit in
1b) False : Its said in the text that In Miami High, there's no "Mean girls".
1c) True : They can't dissolve the cliques, so they force them to sit with other children.
1d) True : The Miami high is a mess, and there is no place to sit ( the girl goes outside to find a place)
2a) The girl feels very confused at the begining of the text : Miami high seems to be a very strange school to her, she also describes the situation as a nightmare.
2b) In the cafeteria she is turning into madness and cant handle the situation : she is so annoyed that she had to go outside.
3) I would call this extract " Miami high, a strange shcool" or " The nighmare of Miami high's cafeteria"