Bonjour g besoins de cous pour me corriger svp c de l'anglais mais est il possible deviter les sites de corrections anglais car ils sont mauvais ?

Mercii beaucoup

"It is the story of two children: a boy named Tom and his older sister Lila .The two children are on holiday with their grandparents in the Alps.One day, Tom and Lila decides to visit a cave . They're walking to the cave and enter it. Inside there discover a silver gate.Suddenly a storm breaks out and the portal begins to slowly suck Tom and his sister.After a few seconds the two children find themselves in the middle of a road where flying cars are circulating and honking.Tom turns his head and sees a digital city with giant screens hanging from flying skyscrapers. Lila takes her brother by the hand and runs with him to explore the city center, which is at the height of technology. The cell phones are levitating screens. Impressed, Lila waddles with joy.A lightning bolt bursts in the digital city and Lila and Tom are transported to the cave of the present.The two children look at each other and say at the same time: let's go back to the futur "