Help me please c’est en anglais

1. I was wathcing television when Jane knocked at the door.
2. He went to Australia last year, then he took the boat to New Zealand.
3. I can tell you they were smoking when the manager came in the office.
4. Yesterday, Annie visited Los Angeles. She liked this city a lot.
5. Mr Agee killed Mr De Vries while he was looking for help.
A- I was doing my homework when Peter arrived.
B- When we went to the disco, we saw a car accident.
C- When they were sleeping, they heard a big noise.
D- Last week I bought a new car.
E- Sarah was doing her homework when you arrived.
F- What did you do last summer?
G- Peter didn't go to school because he was too tired.
Le prétérit est utilisé pour parler d'une action passée et terminée.
-Quand c'est une phrase affirmative, on ajoute "ed" à la fin du verbe (sauf pour les verbes irréguliers):
ex: knock -> knocked
look -> looked
buy -> bought (verbe irrégulier)
-Quand c'est une phrase interrogative, on utilise l'auxiliaire "did" et on fait:
Did + sujet + verbe
ex: Did she eat?
-Quand c'est une phrase négative, on utilise "didn't" (contraction de "did not") et on fait:
sujet + didn't + verbe
She didn't know
(On utilise pas "didn't" pour le verbe "be" puisque "be" peut se mettre sous sa forma négative: wasn't ou weren't)
-Quand au prétérit be + ing, il décrit action qui est en cours/pas finie dans le passé souvent interrompue par une action ou un évènement. On fait:
be (au prétérit) + verbe + ing
ex: You were sleeping when I arrived.
She was eating when you came.
-Pour une question, on inverse le sujet et l'auxiliaire "be".
ex: Were you sleeping when the phone rang ?
-Dans une phrase négative, on met l'auxiliaire "be" sous sa forme négative.
ex: I wasn't sleeping when the phone rang.
Voilà j'espère que ça t'aidera :)