Quelqu’un pour m’aider ?? Merci d’avance(20 point). II/ Mettez les verbes entre ( au prétérit. Attention aux verbes irréguliers!!
I .....(go) to the park yesterday. I... ..(run) with my brother for an
hour then we ...
...(play) basketball. We ... ....(cycle) back home and
(do) a ping pong match with my cousin. We (have) a good time
but I
...(be) was so tired I
(fall) asleep at 8 PM!

Sagot :

I went to the park yesterday. I ran with my brother for an hour then we played basketball. We cycled back home and
did a ping pong match with my cousin. We had a good time
but I was so tired I
fell asleep at 8 PM!