bonsoir a tous. je voulais vous demander si quelqu'un peut m'aider, a écrire 10 ligne si vous êtes à wonderland.


Sagot :

Réponse :

salut je t ai ecris un truc j´espere que ca t aidra

Explications :

have you ever heard of Wonderland? if you haven´t then you´ve missed a wonderfull childhood. wonderland is the most magic place you could ever imagine. There´s nothing you can´t find there. there are flying elephants, singing mermaids and even talking monkeys. it is a most confidentiel place and only kids with a very high imagination can ever hope to land there. it´s a place made of all sorts of candy a kind of WillyWonka fabric but much better. it has the most amazing rollercoasters. Food never runs out and you never get full. you don´t get tired and you could stay up having fun all night! you can bring to life whatever you want with a magic pen . But be very aware, Never touch the red candy!!!!!