Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au present perfect puis mets for ou since devant les éléments de temps.
1) Bob (be) a reporter / several years. 2) He (work) for Look Magazine / 1996. 3) The Tailors (be) married / months. 4) My elder sister (live) in Canada / last year. 5) 1(want) to be an explorer / a long time. 6) (have) a computer / Christmas. 7) | (be) interested in science fiction / many years. 8) I (know) Brian / seven years.
1) Bob has been a reporter for several years. 2) He has worked for Louk Magazine since 1996z 3) The Tailors have been married for months. 4) My elder sister has lived in Canada since last year. 5) I have wanted to be an explorer for a long time. 6) l have had a computer for Christmas. 7) I have been interested in science fiction for many years. 8) I have known Brian for seven years.