Bonjour prouver vous me créer une histoire incroyable
consigne :
Tell your friends a short story that happened to you. Your story can be based on real facts or completely imaginary,
funny or creepy, but it has to make sense!

Je mentionne le(s) lieu(x)
Je donne quelques détails temporels
Je donne quelques détails météo
J’évoque mes émotions, ressentis, sentiments au cours de l’histoire
J’ai fait globalement peu de fautes grammaticales
Je maîtrise le prétérit simple
Je maîtrise le prétérit BE + V-ing
Je maîtrise la capacité/l’incapacité au passé avec could et couldn’t

Sagot :

It was a random cloudy day, I was walking on a sidewalk near my house when I heard a scream coming from behind me. I was slightly confused as I turned around to see what was going on. I couldn’t believe my eyes, my heart was pounding fast and my palms became sweaty. Immediately, I felt sick in the stomach as I witnessed a shocking scene. A very tall and thin extraterrestrial being holding a young girl upside down by her foot. Maybe it could have communicated with me if it wasn’t for the little girl. I don’t remember much more because as soon as it came closer to me, everything went black.

Cette petite histoire inventée est un peu nulle mais bon enjoy