Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider svp ?

Lever : I usually get up at around 9 am and have breakfast.
Activités du matin : After breakfast I take a shower and either watch TV or play Ninten** Swit**.
Corvées : Unfortunately I have to do my homework and on top of that my parents want me to get ahead in my work.
Activités l'après-midi : On Saturday afternoons I go to my soccer practice and we'll probably go to his house for a snack.
Hobbys : What is great about him is that he has lots of board games and we love them so we will definitely play them !
Heures (je n'ai pas compris mais j'imagine que c'est le soir) : In the evening after having eaten we usually watch a movie or a series all together before going to bed around 10 pm.
Passe une bonne soirée :)