Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider à propos de mon devoir en anglais s’il vous plaît ?
Merci d’avance !

Réécrivez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive:

An typhoon destroyed the city. —>.............

The girl’s work pleased the teacher.—>...........

The earthquake damaged the building.—>..........

Who taught you Japanese?—>............

The boss will give you a ticket.—>...........

The hunter shot the tiger.

An old woman opened the door.—>...........

The boy threw the stone.

His behavior vexes me.

Actions reveal a person’s character.—>............

He made an incredible discovery.—>............

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. The city was destroyed by an typhoon.

2. The teacher is pleased by the girl’s work.

3. the building is damaged by the earthquake.

4. dsl je sais pas

5. A ticket is will give you by the boss.

6. The tiger is shoot by the hunter

7. The door is opened by an old woman

8. The stone is threw by the boy.

Explications :