Réponse :
When confinement is over l will be able.to go back to school . (futur)
2. We will practice sport outside in 4 weeks . (futur)
3.She is able to have a walk without her special paper. (present)
4. They are able to go to the pub ! Being together for fun.... .(present)
5. My brother is able to go to his guitar lesson. (present)
6. We will be able to go to the swimming again after the virus. (futur)
7.I will be able to see my friends when everything is finished but for the moment I am able to go out!
8. Citizens are able to walk on the beach or walk in the park. (present)
9. The population are able to go to the supermarket but only when it's necessary . (present)
Explications :
I am able to
You are able to
She/He is able to
We are able to
You (Vous) are able to
They are able to
The population are able to go to the supermarket but only when it's necessary . (present)
Vous pouvez également changer cette phrase
The population can go to the supermarket but only when it's necessary . (present)
J'espère que ça t'a aidé :)