Bonjour besoin d'aide pour des exercice d'anglais ou il faus répondre en anglais sinon c'est pas drole et bien je n'i arrive pas besoin d'un coup de main svp

Réponse :
Hello, tu as de la chance je l'ai étudié l'année dernière
Explications :
The document is a report about Kathrine Switzer, she was the first woman to officially run the Boston marathon in 1967. It had been an all-male event for 70 years because some people thought that sports were for man only, because a woman couldn't have big legs or muscles. When she registered (=s'inscrire) for the marathon, she signed KS Switzer, so that the organizers couldn't suspect she was a woman. People were excited and surprised to see a girl running. She got the media attention. But some people got very aggressive, for example one of the organizers Jock Semple grabbed (= attrapper) her and wanted her to stop running. Also the press was harassing (= harceler) her, asking her if she had something to prove or if she was a suffragette (// feminist) She finished the race because she felt she had to. At first, she was just running, but when she noticed that she attracted attention, she had to finish the race otherwise (=sinon) people would think women are not able to run.
50 years later, women can do a marathon and nobody is chocked because a woman can run as fast as a man and she isn't oblige to be in the kitchen.
My point of view is that this women is an icone for all women who practise race because she is the first who participate to a run, she proved her courage and that a woman can do whathever.
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