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Bonsoir, voilà les phrases que je te propose. Je ne sais pas si ça devait avoir un rapport avec l'image proposée, je suis parti de l'idée que non.
1. My mother was reading a book.
2. My brother was playing video games.
3. My father was working in his office.
4. My sister was running around the house.
5. My friend Peter was studying with me.
6. My aunt was gardening with my uncle.
En te souhaitant une bonne soirée :)
Réponse :
1) My mother was watching televison.
2 )My brother was listening to the radio.
3)My sister was listening to the music.
4)My grandmother was reading a book.
5)My father was reading the journal.
6)My sister were jumping rope.
7) My parents and my sisters were playing with cards.
8)My sister and my brother were playing baseketball.
9-10) My friends was playing guitar and piano.
11) My cousin was grabing her shoes.
12)My stepbrother was swimming.
13)My grandfather was gardening ( jardinait)
14)My aunt was surfing the net.
15) My uncle was writting a letter.
16)My best friend was sunbathing( bronzer).
Explications :
Au passé tu mettra toujours ton verbe BE au prétérit avec ING.
Tu utilisera I/ he/she/it: was
you/we/they: were.
Tu insistera toujours sur le fait qu'on parle(maintenant) d'unequi s'est action passée.