In the background of the first picture we can see a house and women cooking and then in the foregeound we can see people talking, on the right of the painting we can see a woman serving a man as well as other men sitting on a checkered cloth, in the middle we can see a lady carrying a tray with what appears to be a teapot on top, at the end on the left we can see a man dressed in a blue jacket carrying something at his waist, on his left we also see a table on which a boy is sitting eating, at the feet of the boy we see a basket of apple.
In the background of the second painting we see a white curtain and blue and green paint paper and a small part of a painting, the in the middle of the first shot we see a couple of elderly people, the lady is putting a shot of turkey on the table, on the same table you can see glasses, plates, salt, pepper, fruits and cutlery, on the left and on the right side we can see heads sticking out, they are talking.
The first painting represents the origins of this festival because before it was a big event where the village gathered to share this moment. The second image represents this festival today because it is only held in family
Good luck ;-)