Sagot :
- His birthday is in spring more exactly the 31th May
- Ann's birthday is in winter more precisely the 28th December
- Jane's birthday is around the end of winter , more exactly the 4th February
- John was born in summer , the 8th Agust
- His birthday is in summer , indeed Tom was born the 11th July
- Lucy's birthday is in spring , the 30th April
- Her birthday is in autumn, the 31th October
Réponse :
When is your birthday? F:Fille , G:Garçon
1) . Voici des dates de naissance.Complète les phrases selon l'exemple pour indiquer la date de naissance de chacun:
Suivez le modèle.....
F: BECKY: 12-06 : Her birthday is in summer, in June.
( = Son anniversaire est en été, en juin )
Suivant l'exemple donné il faut donc ajouter :
Her ( si c'est une fille ) His ( si c'est un garçon ) + la saison + mois
Spring ( Primtemps )
Summer ( été )
Autumn/ Fall ( Automne )
Winter ( hiver )
G : HARRY :31 - 05: His birthday is in spring, in May.
F : ANN : 28 - 12: Her birthday is in winter, in December.
F : JANE : 04 - 02: Her birthday is in winter, in February.
G : JOHN : 08 - 08: His birthday is in summer, in August.
G : TOM : 11 - 07: His birthday is in summer, in July
F : LUCY : 30 - 04 : Her birthday is in spring, in April.
F : KATE : 31 - 10: Her birthday is in autumn/fall, in November.
; )