bonjour j'ai deux exo en anglais j'ai besoin d'aide svp je suis en 5è
Exo 1 : complète with SOME or ANY
a) Do you have ........... bananas?
b) Let's buy ......... french fries.
c) I'm so sorry but ther aren't ........ cheese left. I must go to the grocery store.
d) Do you know ........... famous chef ?
e) My neighbour doesn't like ......... cheese.
f) Look ! I have bought ......... nice apples.
g) Thank you, but I don't want ......... meat.
h) Would you like .......... coffee after your meal?
i) You should put ......... salt into your soup.

Exo 2 : cicle the right answer.
a) There aren't SOME ANY banana trees in Scotland.
b) Can I get you SOME ANY coffee? I've just mode SOME ANY.
c) Are there SOME ANY good indian restaurants in Oxford.
d) "Yes, I 'd like SOME ANY ! I replied.
e) If there's SOME ANY chicken left, could you put it in the freezer, please?