a- Could you please...
b- You must pay in cash. They don't accept credit cards.
c- I might come home from the office today.
d- May I help you?
e- You should/ must clean your room.
f- We must/ should....
g- We should improve...
h- Shall you have a wonderful day !
i- I should go to see the movie.
j- I will definitly be at the airport...
k- She must take her meals regularly.
l- You must (have to) reach home before eleven, she said.
m- Can we go for a walk ?
n- The soldiers in the army had to wear uniforms.
o- There is one more point I must refer to.
p- You have worked hard. You should pass.
q- It is very cloudy. It could / should rain.
r- You should be properly dressed when you come to the office.
s- Would you like to come with me at the party tomorrow ?
t- People must/ should not tell lies.
C'est pas si facile de choisir le bon modal... Tout dépend si tu veux être poli ou donner un ordre ( should/ must)
Où du degré de probabilité...
C'est pour ça que parfois j'ai mis plusieurs solutions...
La dernière par exemple >
People must not tell lies
Les gens ne doivent pas mentir
People should not tell lies
Les gens ne devraient pas mentir...
Les 2 sont corrects. C'est une façon de formulation.
Où bien pour la f : you must ( ordre) / you should ( conseil, plus poli..')
Comme je ne connais pas ton cours, je ne sais pas quels modaux tu as appris... Ought to.. par exemple...????
Vérifie bien avec ton cours avant de te décider...
Bonne fin de soirée