Sagot :
Simple past = prétérit simple
Base Verbale + -ed pour la plupart des verbes réguliers
1- I brushed my teeth.
2- Tom played tennis with his friends.
3- They studied for their exam.
4- Susan talked to me quietly.
5- Thomas helped me with my homework.
6- Daniel washes his car.
7- The baby cried a lot.
8- The man walked so fast.
9- The mechanic fixed my car.
10- My mother watered the flowers.
11- The policeman stopped the bus.
12- Alicia carried her bag.
13- She opened the soir.
Pour les verbes se terminant par -e, on ajoute simplement le -d ( bake : baked)
Pour certains verbes en -y, cela se transforme en -ied (carry : carried mais play : played)
Pour ceux qui se terminent par une consonne/voyelle/consonne, on double la consonne. (Stop : stopped)
Bonne fin de journée