A. Did you thought that the story was interesting ? Not at all ! It was so boring and it wasn’t interesting at all !
B. I didn’t see Star Wars on TV yesterday.
C. My friend said that this amusement park was amazing !
D. He visited the Griffith observatory.
E. I loved that film. The specials effects were spectacular !
F. The jokes weren’t very funny but the plot was great !
G. I thought that this comedy wasn’t decent.
H. The film director died in 1998.
I. Did you see this film ? No I didn’t see it.
J. What did you watch yesterday evening ? I watched The fault in ours stars but I think it was boring !
K. The characters were just so silly !
L. We did a movie night last Friday.
M. Last night, I insisted on watching a horror film but my sister doesn’t like it so she wanted to watch a romance.
N. E.T was a masterpiece ! I loved this film when I was a child.