Salut vous pouvez m'aider s'il vous plaît. Anglais 5 ème prétérit des verbes

Réponse :
be : been have : had move : moved study : studied watch : watched
Explications :
je suis pas sur de tout les verbe mais je crois que c'est sa
Réponse :
Ex. 3:
a. I watched an adventure film
b. My family and I moved to France last year
c. Marilyn Monroe studied Drama at the Actors Studio
d. My grandmother had 16 children
e. James Dean was a very talented actor.
Ex. 4:
a. I didn't like 'Silver Linings Playbook'
b. Samuuel didn't do his hhomework last night.
c. My father didn't want to go to the cinema yesterday.
d. You weren't late for school this morning.
; )