Bonjour ! j'ai un travail en anglais à rendre avant midi mais je suis pas doué :( est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp ?
merci d'avance !​

Bonjour Jai Un Travail En Anglais À Rendre Avant Midi Mais Je Suis Pas Doué Est Ce Que Quelquun Pourrait Maider Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :



1/ an extract from a novel ( l’extrait d’un roman )


a) Dr. Smith

b) Barbara Tompkins

c) l.6 « my aunt » (==>  Barbara’s aunt )

d) l.11 «Dr. Smith saw his last patient »

e) l.15 « all the women »

f) l.16 « her »

g) l.17 Mrs.Carpenter

h) l.17 a client

3/ The narrator is an outside observer.

4/ Dr. Smith is a plastic surgeon.

( l.6-7) «  Can you make me pretty? »

( l.8 ) « he had transformed her. He made her beautiful »


Part 1 —> A happy patient

Part 2 —> Memories


a) You (l.1) : Dr.Smith

b) That (l.1) : « You’ve changed my life »

c) him (l. 1) : Dr Smith

d) she (l.1 ): Barbara Tompkins

e) he (l.2 ): Dr. Smith

f) it ( l.2) : « he had changed her » ( ce qu’elle a dit =it )


plain : B

mousy : B

older than her twenty-six years : B

a young beauty : N

spirt : N

insecure : B

small public relations firm : B

Albany : B

beautiful : N

Manhattan : N

large, prestigious firm : N

brains : B et N

special kind of beauty : N


a) anxieuse = insecure

b) ordinaire = plain

c) caractère = spirit

d) intelligence = brain

e) effacée = mousy


Barbara Tompkins happiness

10/ Barbara Tompkin’s point of view


Dr. Smith’s home and his office are in the same building. WRONG «  he walked the three blocks … to his converted carriage house » (l.11-12)

Dr. Smith lives with his wife and daughter. WRONG « He lived alone » (l.13)


a) unaccustomed : inhabituel

b) restlessness : agitation

c) overcome : s’emparer de


«  an emotional, almost cathartic experience »


Dr. Smith daughter : she died / he loved her / she was beautiful


Mrs Carpenter is Dr. Smith’s secretary


a) her : Mrs. Carpenter

b) she : Barbara Tompkins


would ==> was about to occur