Sagot :
salut j'espère que ma réponse pourra t'aider
a) i am not finish yet
•listen! bird are singing
•He had just arrived
•what are you doing now
•well,things have changed recently
•but she doesn't know my address
•yes! I am coming
•no thanks, we have already eat
b) "sentence n'8"
"sentence n'1"
"sentence n'5"
"sentence n'2"
" sentence n'3"
"sentence n'7"
"sentence n'9"
" sentence n'6"
4) je pense que pour cet exercice il faut traduire sinon dit moi la vrai question
1.On a vécu a Londres depuis 1996/ pendant 24 ans
2.She hasn't called me yet
3.Have you ever/not yet been to Scotland?
4.I just finish
i have know Amy for 15 years
For signifie " pour " ou " pendant"
since signifie " depuis"
1) since
2) for
3) for
4) for
5) since
si je n'ai pas répondu a certaines réponses c'est parceque je ne ny arrivais pas desoler mais sinon bonne chance :)