bonjour quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à répondre ? il faut mettre le verbe donner entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient : base verbale, be + V-ing ou have + participe passé

Réponse : bonsoir!!! alors, je metterais en gras ce que tu dois écrire.
My computer doesn't work. There must have been something wrong with it.
As i switched on my computer there was an explosion. There must have been something wrong-
I can't find my cellular phone. I must have left it at the restaurant.
He can't be surfing on the internet, not at this time of night!
I might be taking a break around Christmas.
.... Well, she might have waited for us at the airport.
.... You could have made a big mistake.
.... He may have changed his mind.
He has not fully recovered yet, he may not be entering the competition.
.... He must be joking.
j'éspère ne pas m'être trompé.
au revoir!