Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'aider svp pour demain en anglais svp

Réponse :
b) On my way to school, I saw a fantastic bike in a shop window. ( une vitrine )
c) My bike had a flat tyre, and I didn’t have my bicycle pump. ( pompe à vélo )
d) As the girls were leaving, they saw their teacher at the school entrance.
e) As she was eating the chocolate bar, Ann threw the sweet wrapper away.
f) When I saw my face in the bathroom mirror, ( le miroir de la salle de bain ) I knew I was ill.
g) During my favourite series, a newsflash appeared on the television screen. ( l’écran de la télé)
h) The shed door ( la porte de l’abri (de jardin ) was locked, so I couldn’t use the lawn mower.
i) Paul’s parents gave him a small amount of pocket money ( argent de poche ) every week.
j) Susie was too small to reach the door handle ( la poignée de la porte ), so she knocked.
b. dishwasher ( machine à laver la vaisselle )
c. stain remover ( détachant )
d. fire extinguisher ( extincteur )
e. pencil sharpener ( taille crayon )
f. bottle opener ( décapsuleur )
g. lawn mower ( tondeuse à gazon )
h. food mixer
i. water heater ( chauffe eau )
j. coffee maker