bonjour, faut remettre les mots dans l ordre, vous pourriez m aider svp ?
merci beaucoup d avance!!

6. the / unload / in / the / sometimes / afternoon / dishwasher / I
7. after / on / my / I / sister / look / weekends / sometimes / younger
8. never / the / She / cooking / does
9. mother/ On/the / my / always / washing / does / Mondays
10. out / once / put/I / dustbins / week / usually / the / a
11. always / at nine o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his car / he
12 he / to town / after breakfast / often / Mrs Hodges / takes
13.a parking place / near the shops / they / find / rarely
14.sometimes / in a garage / Mr Hodges / his car / parks / with my parents / to Florida / sometimes / I/ in winter
16.often / have / at about three o'clock / a cup of tea / they / at the hotel / in the
afternoon / at the sports ground / they / after dinner / always / their friends
18.enjoys / swimming / in our pool / always / in the morning / she

Sagot :



Réponse :

6. the / unload / in / the / sometimes / afternoon / dishwasher / I

I sometimes unload the dishwasher in the afternoon.

( Je vide parfois le lave-vaisselle l'après-midi. )

7. after / on / my / I / sister / look / weekends / sometimes / younger

I sometimes look after my younger sister on weekends.

( Je m'occupe parfois de ma petite sœur le week-end. )

8. never / the / She / cooking / does

She never does the cooking.

( Elle ne fait jamais la cuisine.)

9. mother/ On/the / my / always / washing / does / Mondays

My mother always does the washing on Mondays

( Ma mère fait toujours la lessive le lundi )

10. out / once / put/I / dustbins / week / usually / the / a

I usually put the dustbins out once a week.

( Je sors habituellement les poubelles une fois par semaine )

11. always / at nine o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his car / he

He always drives his car out of the garage  at nine o'clock in the morning.

( Il sort  toujours sa voiture hors du garage à neuf heures du matin. )

12 he / to town / after breakfast / often / Mrs Hodges / takes

Mrs Hodges often takes her to town after breakfast.

( Mme Hodges l'emmène souvent en ville après le petit déjeuner. )

13.a parking place / near the shops / they / find / rarely

They rarely find a parking place near the shops.

( Ils trouvent rarement une place de parking près  des commerces.)

14.sometimes / in a garage / Mr Hodges / his car / parks

Mr Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage.

( M. Hodges gare parfois sa voiture dans un garage. ) / with my parents / to Florida / sometimes / I/ in winter

I sometimes fly to Florida with my parents in winter.

16.often / have / at about three o'clock / a cup of tea / they / at the hotel / in the afternoon

They often have a cup of tea at the hotel at about three o'clock in the afternoon. / at the sports ground / they / after dinner / always / their friends

After dinner, they always meet their friends at the sports ground.

18.enjoys / swimming / in our pool / always / in the morning / she

In the morning she always enjoys swimming in our pool.