Bonsoir, pouvez vous m’aider à faire mon exercice d anglais svp

Bonjour !
1. Joe, Scott and Bob : They
2. My Aunt Jane : She
3. Nick and I : We
4. The neighbor's car : It
5. Jenny and Fatima : They
6. The little old lady : She
7. Adam's grandfather : He
8. The blue notebook : It
9. The pens and pencils : They
10. Your Uncle Peter : He
11. The Andersons : They
12. Amanda Sanderson : She
13. The boy wearing red : He
14. The small girl : She
15. Your parents : They
16. The green apple : It
17. The sweet oranges : They
18. Sally and Jeff : They
19. You and I : We
20. Timothy Johnson : He
21. The city of Tokyo : It
22. Melanie and Susan : They
23. My friend, Susannah : She
24. Your parents and I : We
25. Our cousin Kenny : He
J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !