Bonjour j’aurais besoins d’aide pour c’est deux exercices

Réponse :
Formation du passif ( Passive voice )
"BE" au temps de la voix active + participe passé
( participe passé = 3ème colonne des verbes irréguliers )
Toutes les phrases de ces exercices sont au prétérit.
Donc ==> WAS/ WERE + participe passé
His mother prepared his breakfast every morning.
( Sa mère lui préparait son petit déjeuner touus les matins
Son petit déjeuné était préparé par sa mère tous les matins )
Remarque : c'est comme en français .
1. The shops weren’t closed by shopkeepers on Saturdays.
2. The championship was won by Michael last year.
3. New things were invented ( by people ) all the time.
4. His breakfast was prepared by his mother every morning.
5. His money was kept safe ( by him ) in a safe place.
1- Emeline Pankhurst was arrested by the police.
2. Emily Davison was killed by the king’s horse.
3. The film was released ( by them )in 2015.
4. Suffragette was directed by Sarah Gavron in 2015.
5. Women were beaten by police during demonstrations.