c’est simple.
jacques à dit :
— you must follow jacque’s prder.
— you have to win by being the last player.
— you can’t disobey jacque’s orders.
ni oui ni non:
— you’re forbidden to say yes or no
— you are allowed to ask questions to trick people
— you have hide yourself
— you musn’t be found
pour celui qui compte:
— you are not allowed to look around while counting
— you have to find others
les gendarmes et le voleur:
pour les voleurs:
— you must run away from the cops
— you can’t escape jail unless your teamate delivers you
— you are allowed to run away from the cops
pour les gendarmes:
— you must catch the thieves
— you mustn’t help them
— you have to guard the jail
après, c’est ton choix et les réponses dépendent de votre niveaux de vocabulaire.