Translate using PHRASAL VERBS :


1) Il a une importante somme d'argent de coté.

2) Réfléchissez-y bien.

3) Il se révéla être un très chic type.

4) Il se leva d'un bond.

5) La neige a entiérement fondu.

6) Ne réplique pas !

7) Il se calma rapidement.

8) Ils se sont acquittés de leurs dettes.
9) Il a pris du poids.

10) Nous avons dû les supporter.

11) Nous les avons hébergés pour la nuit.

12) Elle refoula ses larmes.

13) L'ascension est plus facile que la descente.

14) Eteignez la lumière.

15) Le feu se déclara dans une boulangerie.

16) Je dois appeler mon voisin pour annuler notre rendez-vous.

17) La réunion a été reportée.

18) Lucie est en retard, son père va la gronder.

19) Enlevez votre veste, il fait bon ici.

20) Parlez plus fort ! 

Merci d'avance pour votre aide 

Sagot :

1) He(it) has an important sum of money of quoted(esteemed).

2) Think about it, please.

3) He(it) showed to be one very nice guy.

4) He(it) got up from a jump.

5) The snow has melted entiérement.

6) Do not answer!

7) He(it) quickly calmed down.

8) They settled their debts.
9) He(it) gained weight.

10) We had to support(bear) them.

11) We accommodated them for night.

12) She(it) repulsed(repressed) her(its) tears.

13) The ascent is easier than the descent.

14) Switch off the light.

15) The fire(light) declared itself in a bakery.

16) I have to call my neighbor to cancel our meeting(appointment).

17) The meeting was postponed(put back).

18) Lucie is late, his father is going to scold her(it).

19) Remove your jacket, he(it) makes well here.

20)  speak louder !

1) He(it) has an important sum of money of quoted(esteemed).
2) Think about it, please.
3) He showed to be one very nice guy.
4) He got up from a jump.
5) The snow has melted entiérement.
6) Do not answer!
7) He quickly calmed down.
8) They settled their debts.
9) He gained weight.
10) We had to support them.
11) We accommodated them for night.
12) She  repulsed her tears.
13) The ascent is easier than the descent.
14) Switch off the light.
15) The fire  declared itself in a bakery.
16) I have to call my neighbor to cancel our meeting(appointment).
17) The meeting was postponed.
18) Lucie is late, his father is going to scold her.
19) Remove your jacket, he makes well here.
20) More speak loudly!