svp qq pourrait m aider svp c est pour demain et je n ai rien compris du tt merci d avance
10 questions avec are you - is he et 10 questions avec do You - does he ?

Sagot :

bon voila quelque question que je vien d'invennter:

1: are you good in basketball ?

2:are you good in french ?

3: do you like cats ?

4:do you can go in cinema this week ?

je n'ai pas vraiment d'idée désoler . en tout cas sa s'utilise dans les question


I do the homework.

You do the dishes.  

We do the ironing.  

They do an exercise .

He does the dishes.  

She does the homework.  

He does his job.  

She does a favour.

Does she like to eat French fries ?

Does he do the homework today ?