A Transformer les phrases suivant le modèle :
John often washes the car >> John washed the car yesterday (la première phrase exprime au
présent d'habitude ce que John fait souvent, la seconde décrit au prétérit ce qu'il a fait hier).
Tous les verbes de cet exercice sont réguliers.
1. Margaret often plays the piano.
6. She often laughs at him.
2. Mr Brown often works in his garden. 7. He often asks silly questions.
3. It often rains here.
8. He often punishes his son.
4. I often wait for her.
9. I often walk to my office.
5. We often listen to concerts on the radio. 10. They often watch television after tea.
B Même exercice, mais avec des verbes irréguliers de la liste nº1 (150)