je dois faire un discours sur la vie des enfants en kenya aidez moi svp juste pour me donner des idees (si possible traduit en anglais​

Sagot :

Salut ! Je vais essayer de te faire un petit text !

Hi everyone, I going to tell you some little things about how life is in Kenya because I think few people approach that subject. Nowadays we live in a modern society, we barely have any problems. We are so beyond lucky. I’m going to take for example Kenya even though there are dozens of others ! Kenya is a very poor country. People there die everyday of hunger and illnesses. We complain that we don’t like what we have in our plate when people would die for it. We complain because we go to school people dream of it. We complain that we don’t have enough clothes or accessories some people don’t have any. What I’m trying to say is we are so lucky for what we have compared to others, be aware of it !