Bonjour est ce que quelqu’un pourrait corriger les fautes d’orthographes s’il vous plaît

Artificial intelligence is developing at a very rapid rate these days. Technology is everywhere in our lives. Many worry about the risks of AI, while others are fascinated with how AI could change our lives. AI has many advantages. For starters, artificial intelligence could help us create robots with facial recognition software. it could allow us to analyze people's facial expressions, whether they are telling the truth or whether they are lying, through a learning program that detects patterns in video footage. it was developed by computer scientists who created "the largest source of data on facial expressions of liars." This from AI can be used at airfields and assist airport personnel police officers. Second, artificial intelligence could enable space tourism. The name of this project is “Space tourism: a week in orbit”. This project according to Business Insider, space tourism could be possible in 2050, but probably only for the very rich because the price will be around one hundred thousand pounds. Because self-driving cars will make driving safer. Despite the crashes involving self-driving cars that have made headlines in recent years, this area of ​​AI could dramatically reduce the number of deaths and injuries on our roads. Self-driving cars will not only reduce fatalities and injuries on the road, but they could also lead to changes in our lifestyles, according to a report from Stanford University. We will have more time for ourselves.

Sagot :


Je ne pense pas être la meilleure personne au monde en anglais donc moi-même je peux faire des erreurs, mais j'ai eu beaucoup d'expérience en anglais, j'ai parlé avec des personnes qui ne parlaient que anglais, donc je pense pouvoir vous aider:


-Softwares au lieu de software.

-Whether they are telling the truth or not

-Je ne pense pas que ça soit learning programs car a ce que je sais, on l'utilise normalement pour désigner le programme d'école, après j'ai peut-être tord

-Movements au lieu de patterns car normalement patterns désigne des motifs à ce que je sache

-Form *of AI

- and pour commencer la dernière phrase