Niveau 4ème : Bonjour j'aimerai que quelqu'un qui se débrouille en anglais puisse me traduire mon texte en anglais en mettant BE+ING, n’hésitez vraiment pas à changer des choses si c’est nécessaire. JE REMERCIE CEUX QUI VONT M’AIDER

Consigne : raconter un incident drôle en utilisant BE+ING

C’était il y’a 8ans lors d’une journée dans un parc d’attraction à Paris se nommant le parc Astérix.Il faisait très beau et j’étais très excité de faire des manèges . Je courrais partout et mes parents commençaient à en avoir marre . Je m’approchais d’un manège ou l’on peut gagner des bombons.
Je regardais mes parents de l’autre côté mais je pensais qu’ils savaient où j’étais .Ils commençaient à me chercher partout puis je me mît à pleurer et à faire une crise de nerf, le parc étant très grand , je ne savais pas où j’étais mais un monsieur voyait bien que j’étais perdu et me demanda mon prénom et prit un haut parleur pour retrouver mes parents , quand ils sont arrivés ils étaient très énervés et moi toujours triste mais content de les avoir retrouvés

Sagot :

Traduction du texte :

It was 8 years ago during a day at an amusement park in Paris called Parc Asterix. The weather was very nice and I was very excited to go on the rides. I was running around and my parents were getting fed up. I'm approaching a merry-go-round where you can win bombons.I looked at my parents on the other side but I thought they knew where I was. They started looking for me everywhere then I started to cry and have a nervous breakdown, the park being very big, I didn't know not where I was but a gentleman could see that I was lost and I asked my first name and took a loudspeaker to find my parents, when they arrived they were very upset and me still sad but happy to have found them

Réponse :

Explications :

It was 8 years ago during a day at an amusement park in Paris called Parc Asterix. The weather was very nice and I was very excited to go on the rides. I was running around and my parents were getting fed up. I was approaching a merry-go-round where you can win bombons.

I looked at my parents on the other side but I thought they knew where I was. They started looking for me everywhere then I started to cry and have a nervous breakdown, the park being very big, I didn't know not where I was but a gentleman saw that I was lost and asked me my name and took a loudspeaker to find my parents, when they arrived they were very upset and me still sad but happy to have found them