Bonjour j’espère que vous vous allez bien pouvez vous m’aider svp en anglais sur la scène de Rosa parks dans le bus quand elle voulais pas laisser la place à un blanc svp je veux une réponse correctement voici la consigne 1) Vous devrai trouvais 6 dialogue pour les chaque personne qui vous fais pensez à ce qu’ils pourraient dire pour les 5 personnage pour Rosa parks puis 1 passager dans le bus puis un chauffeur de bus puis un policier et pour finir un juge

Sagot :

Réponse :

ROSA PARKS (femme de couleur) , UN HOMME BLANC, UN CHAUFFEUR, DES PASSAGERS (les Noirs assis à l'arrière, les Blancs à l'avant)

Rosa gets on the bus followed by a white man.

ROSA. - Oh, what a day! That I'm tired ...

She sits in the front of the vehicle. The passengers are surprised. Some look at her nastily, but Rosa doesn't pay attention. The white man walks up to her.

THE WHITE MAN. - But what are you doing sitting here? This place is not for you! Go sit in the back with people of your race!

ROSA. - Please sir, I'm exhausted and ...

THE WHITE MAN,. - I do not want to know anything! You don't have to do anything there, that's it!

ROSA. - And why should I not be allowed to sit in the front with you? We Blacks are no different and even less inferior to the Banks! We are free men!

THE WHITE MAN. - That's enough! (He shouts in the direction of the driver): Driver! This woman is in the place of the Whites, it is unacceptable! I refuse to sit next to it! (he points to Rosa rudely).

THE CHAUFFEUR, . - Madam, your place is indeed at the back. (He points to an empty seat at the back of the bus.) Here, you just have to sit down there!

ROSA. - No !

THE CHAUFFEUR. - As you want! There is a policeman arriving. He will solve the problem ...

THE WHITE MAN. - Officer !

THE POLICE OFFICER (approaching). - What's going on ?

THE CHAUFFEUR . - This woman is installed at the front and refuses to give way to the gentleman as she should, however!

THE POLICEMAN . - It is a violation of the law, indeed! Please follow me madam ...

Rosa gets up quickly, furious. The policeman hands him the handcuffs. The white man dusted off Rosa's seat before sitting up with a triumphant smile.

THE WHITE MAN. - Thank you, agent. This puts things in their place ...

THE POLICEMAN. - I'll take you to the station! You will see what it costs to break the laws of the state of Alabama ... and to try to resist the police force!

ROSA. - But agent, I didn't do anything wrong!

The policeman pretends to answer but at this moment a young black man gets up and walks quickly towards them.

THE YOUNG BLACK MAN. - Wait, agent! How much do I have to pay to prevent Madame from going to jail?

THE POLICEMAN. - I think… two hundred and fifty dollars should be enough!

The young man takes the money out of his pocket and pays the policeman. This frees Rosa.

THE POLICEMAN. - You were lucky this time but that it does not happen again!

Explications :