Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour, j'espère que cela pourra t'aider. Bonne journée et bon courage a toi

Explications :

Pros:   (avantages)

You would have an edge in school.  

You could take advanced classes, early college, and because of academic merits, have an easier time finding scholarships to help you fund your education after high school, regardless of you and your parents' financial situation.  

Intelligent people are respected.

You might have an easier time finding a well paying job with health benefits when you are older.  

I would think that a high IQ would carry over into adulthood, so that is an advantage, too.

Cons:  (inconvénients)

It would be hard to fit in with your peers and learn social skills (just as important in work or life as being smart.  Those who get along with others get ahead).

Being special or different in any way can be isolating.

Other people might be jealous and the prodigy could be bullied.  

Public school could be boring and under challenging to someone who is gifted but not offered the opportunities or resources needed to excel.  (Or if they just aren't available.  A lot of public schools are facing budget cuts).

It might be hard for someone to cope with the high expectations that teachers or parents place on them, even if they are fully capable of meeting those expectations.  

Adults might treat a child prodigy like a peer, or a little adult, when, in some ways, they are still a child.

That is all I can think of.