Hello everybody
I have an exercise thanks for helping

Réponse :
1. She delayed getting out of bed.
2. He demanded to speak to the manager.
3. I offered to help
4. I miss going going to the beach.
5. I’d hate to arrive too late.
6. She admitted stealing the money.
7. I chose to work here.
8.She waited to buy a drink.
9. I really appreciate being on holiday.
10. I couldn’t help laughing.
11. It seems to be raining.
12. They practised speaking
13. Finally I managed to finish the work.
14. I really can’t stand waiting for the bus.
15. I’d love to come with you.
16. I prepared to go on holiday.
17. She avoided telling him about her plans
18. He enjoys having a bath in the evening.
19. Do you mind giving me a hand.
20. He decided to study Biology.
Explications :
Il n’existe pas de règle pour « gérondif » VS « INFINITIF »
Il faut apprendre ( au fur à mesure ) les verbes, expressions qui sont suivis de l’un ou de l’autre.
Et pour compliquer le tout, certains verbes peuvent être suivis des deux …