Ok je pense qu’il faut répondre en anglais donc je vais faire de mon mieux ;) :
1. When a something increases by 10%, we can say that we multiply the number by (1+10/100) so here P * (1+10/100) = P*1.10 = 1.1P
So 1,1P is the new price.
2. When a something decreases by 15%, we can say that we multiply the number by (1-15/100) so here P * (1-15/100) = P*0.85 = 0.85P
So 0.85P is the new price.
3. the promotion of the car was 30% therefore the multiplying coefficient is associated with a discount of 30% or 0.7. we know that the final price = initial price * multiplying coefficient therefore initial price = final price / multiplying coefficient = 14350 / 0.70 = 20,500. The car was worth £ 20,500.
4. The object losts 10% value per year so:
1st year: 30*0,9= £ 27
2nd year: 27*0,9= £ 24,3
3rd year: 24,3*0’9= £ 21,87
4th year: 21,87*0,9= £ 19,68
here ! hope this helped you!
Have a nice day :)
PS en fr: pour la 4 je ne sais pas si l’objet se dévalue dès la première année ou à partir de la deuxième... et il te reste juste à faire des petites phrases réponses du type : the first year, the object costs £ ....