Merci de bien vouloir m’aider en anglais merci d’avance !

superlatif de supériorité
good /best
bad/ worst
adj. courts = adj. + - est
y devient i
doublement de la consonne dans les adj. courts=========> consonne/voyelle/consonne
adj. longs = the most + adjectif
1- the most popular group.
2- the fastest year.
3- the longest river.
4- The most plesant season.
5- the widest in the country.
6- The best student in class.
7- the most northern state of the US.
8- the biggest animal
9- The best pupils should be paid...
10- The most interesting film
11- the cleanest one.
12- Victor Hugo is the greatest one.
13- Paul is the most courageous
14- the second largest country
15- Mary is the most kind-hearted girl
superlatif infériorité = the least + adj. (court ou long)
1- I am the least tall person in my family.
2- That boys is the least interesting person I know.
3- He is the least strange man in my neighbourhood.
4- Which sports do you think are the least dangerous ?
5- I think maths are the least difficult subject
bonne journée ☺☺☺