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Je vous remercie d'avance voici la question :you are from generation Z and you want to convince other generation to chance the world of work. you are going to create an article with hand drawn illustrations or image to talk about your different views of the future of work. ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

English Paragraph

Jobs of tomorrow

As we know the Earth is going through global warming and natural resources like coal or oil are diminishing every single minute… Because of that, jobs like pilots or mine workers will soon lose their jobs when those materials cease to exist. Our lives are getting more and more driven into technology. Jobs like AI management, white hackers, and all computer and tech related jobs will get far more popular and important in the near future. As you see the people that are least shook from this pandemic are the people who work from their computers, in their home. As an example an internet video sharing site YouTube is gaining more users constantly and the technological advances of our world is inevitable. The jobs of the future will be related to tech, all the other “classic” jobs will have to adapt or disappear.

The 21st century is the century of AI and technology!

liens des images:

Explications :

Je n'ai pas pu coller les images ici alors voici leurs lien, colle ca dans un google docs puis colle aussi les images et c'est fait... Bon courage a la rentree!

mdr je suis un 6eme qui fait les devoirs des secondes