bonjour je vous en supplie est ce que quelqu’un peut m’aider avec cet expo

Réponse :
1. An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away.
2. … a partridge in a PEAR tree
3. Miami’s SALAD Bowl
4. a boxer’s deformed ear is called a CAULIFLOWER ear
5. a poorly performing car is called a LEMON
6. a high paying job that requires little work is called a GRAVY TRAIN
7. Lorraine Hansberry’s play is called A RAISIN in the Sun
8. a sourpuss is a real CRAB
9. to force one’s way in is to JAM in
10. a politically unstable Latin American country is referred to as a BANANA republic
11. a growth on your toe is a ONION
12. a social engagement is a DATE
13. a redheaded person is called a CARROT top
14. an OLIVE branch is a symbol of peace.
15. preseason baseball is called the GRAPEFRUIT league
16. a small person is called a SHRIMP
17. a dumb person is referred to as an OYSTER or a FISH ( stockfish / mackerel )
18. paper money is called BREAD
19. a showoff is a HOT - DOG
20. one who shows little courage is a MILKSOP
21. a tall, skinny person is a STRING BEAN ( c’est une variété de haricot vert )
22. a person who is well-liked is a SWEETIE // SWEETIE PIE
23. in old slang an attractive woman was a COOKIE
24. to be in a difficult situation is to be in a PICKLE
25. a gentle or innocent person is called a LAMB