bonjour svp jai vrmt besoin daide pr cet exo svp

Réponse :
E . spouse ================== 1. my better half
M. nuisance =================2. bête noire
G. by any method ============3. catch as catch can
N. to embarrass oneself ======= 4. egg on one’s face
Q. to act uncontrollably =========5. foam at the mouth
R. to let off without punishment =======6. go scot-free
A. public uproar=================7. hue and cry
C. one like oneself ==============8. kindred spirit
O. conceal one’s intentions =========9. lie low
L. true purpose =================10. name of the game
D. not to be dismissed easily =======11. not to be sneezed at
F. to court danger =================12. play with fire
I. put aside funds for the future ======= 13. salt away
S. honest arrangement ============14. square deal
H. obstacle =====================15. stumbling block
J. exactly ========================16. to a T
B. satisfactory ===================17. up to snuff
P. avoid giving a definitive answer ====18. hem and haw
T. deceive ===============19. pull the wool over one’s eyes
K. to behave formally ====20. stand on ceremony
The hidden cliché is COLD FISH